Every French I knew in New York would tell you the same thing when asked about a good French pastry shop in the city: You can't find one. It might be due to the butter they use in France or to the humidity of the air but one thing is certain: it would never be like in France as you don’t go home with the baguette under your arms, you don’t eat your croissant while facing the lake at Jardin du Luxembourg and nobody tells you “merci, bonne journée” on your way out. But, besides all that, there are a few places in NY where you can eat amazing French specialties. Try Bouley Bakery and I’m sure that after you eat the Chocolate Almond Croissant and grab a Pain de Campagne for tomorrow's breakfast you will feel a little bit of the joy of being in France.
Try also the Cannelés, the Macarrons, the Éclair au Chocolat and their version of the classic American Muffin with the French touch: with white, milk and dark melting chocolate pieces.
Bouley Bakery
163 Duane Street