Jan 31, 2009

Patisserie et Boulangerie

Every French I knew in New York would tell you the same thing when asked about a good French pastry shop in the city: You can't find one. It might be due to the butter they use in France or to the humidity of the air but one thing is certain: it would never be like in France as you don’t go home with the baguette under your arms, you don’t eat your croissant while facing the lake at Jardin du Luxembourg and nobody tells you “merci, bonne journée” on your way out. But, besides all that, there are a few places in NY where you can eat amazing French specialties. Try Bouley Bakery and I’m sure that after you eat the Chocolate Almond Croissant and grab a Pain de Campagne for tomorrow's breakfast you will feel a little bit of the joy of being in France.
Try also the Cannelés, the Macarrons, the Éclair au Chocolat and their version of the classic American Muffin with the French touch: with white, milk and dark melting chocolate pieces.

Bouley Bakery
163 Duane Street

Happy Hour

Leaving work and looking for something sweet, crunchy, fast, easy and reasonable in terms of calories and price? You will find it at Starbucks and no, I am not talking about coffee. Go straight to the counter and grab a small cute package of covered Graham Crackers. Although sometimes you can't find them in every store don’t give up, they are wonderful. Don't feel bad if the cashier finds it weird that you are only buying crackers.
Available in milk and dark chocolate.

Jan 25, 2009

In the Mood for Desserts

Either if you are up to a sweet treat after dinner or if you are one of those people who could exchange a plate of food for a plate of cake, take for granted what only NYC has to offer you: a dessert bar. One of my preferred ones is Chikalicious. When going there, sit on the counter so that you can see Chika herself and her assistants prepare delicious and delicate desserts. It's not only about having dessert but being in a desserts only restaurant, which gives it its charm.

204 E. 10th Street

L'Atelier du Chocolat: 59 W 22nd Street

Pierre Marcolini: 485 Park Avenue

La Maison du Chocolat: 1018 Madison Avenue

Voges Haut-Chocolat: 132 Spring Street

Jacques Torres: 350 Hudson Street

Kee's Chocolate: 80 Thompson Street

MarieBelle: 484 Broome Street